- Hide one's light under a bushel
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Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
hide one's light under a bushel — {v. phr.} To be very shy and modest and not show your abilities or talents; be too modest in letting others see what you can do. * /When Joan is with her close friends she has a wonderful sense of humor, but usually she hides her light under a… … Dictionary of American idioms
hide one's light under a bushel — {v. phr.} To be very shy and modest and not show your abilities or talents; be too modest in letting others see what you can do. * /When Joan is with her close friends she has a wonderful sense of humor, but usually she hides her light under a… … Dictionary of American idioms
hide one's light under a bushel — ► hide one s light under a bushel keep quiet about one s talents or accomplishments. [ORIGIN: with biblical allusion to the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 15.] Main Entry: ↑hide … English terms dictionary
hide one's light under a bushel — phrasal : to be excessively modest : conceal one s abilities : shrink from public notice a fine poet who hid her light under a bushel * * * hide one s light under a bushel To keep quiet about or conceal one s talents or abilities • • • Main Entry … Useful english dictionary
hide\ one's\ light\ under\ a\ bushel — v. phr. To be very shy and modest and not show your abilities or talents; be too modest in letting others see what you can do. When Joan is with her close friends she has a wonderful sense of humor, but usually she hides her light under a bushel … Словарь американских идиом
hide one's light under a bushel — verb To conceal ones talents or positive qualities, especially due to modesty or shyness; to avoid attention. [Y]ouve got a bright, intelligent face. I shouldnt wonder if you werent rather clever. Why do you hide your light under a bushel? … Wiktionary
hide one's light under a bushel — keep quiet about one s talents or accomplishments. [with biblical allusion to Matt. 15.] → hide … English new terms dictionary
under a bushel — See: HIDE ONE S LIGHT UNDER A BUSHEL … Dictionary of American idioms
under a bushel — See: HIDE ONE S LIGHT UNDER A BUSHEL … Dictionary of American idioms
under\ a\ bushel — See: hide one s light under a bushel … Словарь американских идиом
hide — Ⅰ. hide [1] ► VERB (past hid; past part. hidden) 1) put or keep out of sight. 2) conceal oneself. 3) keep secret. ► NOUN Brit. ▪ a camouflaged shelter used to observe wild … English terms dictionary